The Blog is Back

After a 2+ month hiatus, the blog is back. I had a lovely month in the US for my annual trip to Jazzfest and the Sadaka/Winter wedding. Since I last posted, I saw Indonesia, Malaysian Borneo, and Hong Kong–then back to then US for Memphis, New Orleans, Houston, Austin, Dallas, Arkansas, DC, and NYC. Then Toronto and London, both briefly, and the last 3 weeks in Sri Lanka. Internet here has been a bit iffy, but I’ll catch up on some old posts from before the US trip, and everything that’s happened since, in the coming days and weeks.

Special thanks to everyone who put me up back home–the Beck’s (naturally), Aaron Bitterman, Shlomo Bogoff, Kim Merkel, Kelly Loch, Jake Tran, Jason Rochwarger, Madison Parker, Barry Shapiro, Gabriel Falcon, Sarah Neely, Lucia Pallares, Scott and Courtney Speights, Nick Mageras, Ric and Ali Sandoval, Rachel Lader, and anyone else I’ve left off the list (which, as an aside, is in order of chronology, not importance.) (Lindsay Gordon, I can’t remember whether I spent a night on your couch, but either way, thanks always for being the best.)